Sunday, January 15, 2012

Awesomest mom ever!

We wanted to take today and write a little about grandma. We watched the video that was made for her funeral and asked the kids to share some thoughts about Grandma.

Brianna-misses having fun laughing moments with grandma, garage sales, she was very creative, and talking with her, buying her twisters, sleepovers, sewing pillowcases for my dad and grandpa, going to chemo with grandma (grandma would pack a bag for us to take with treats like mcdonalds cookies), bought me the fairybook series books and we read it together, go to her house and play computer.

Kyle-misses grandma because she used to give me thomas trains, and she would read to me, when she was in a wheelchair she used to let me push her around, I spy with the dragon, sleepovers

Kam-loves grandma because she gave me an awesome water toy

Dave-The last few days I have had an opportunity to reflect about mom. She was the greatest mom and woman ever. After I finished school in Moscow, I didn't have a job and Melanie and I struggled to figure out what our next move was. After prayer and all that good stuff we ended up moving into Melanie's parents home while they were on a mission. Then shortly after that, dad began talking about a house in Rigby that could be redone. Initially dad was going to make the house a rental but then began suggesting that Mel and I could live there. I remember one day I found out that had I passed the bar, got a job offer, and decided to do the house with dad all in the same day. With the way the last few years have gone, I have no doubt in my mind that it was the correct course for us. We got to do so much with mom and dad-I am grateful that things transpired the way they did so we were able to have that time. Of course selfishly I wish there would have been more time, but I am so thankful for the time we did have. Our family got so used to walking over pulling the wagon, going in the door by the garage and hear mom say "Who's comin?" They loved anytime we showed up no matter what they were doing. They always stopped and talked and played with us.

Although It was emotional is was also fun to watch the video that was made for her funeral. Yesterday which was one year since she passed, we were celebrating Kyle's birthday a little early because I have to work late on his real birthday, I couldn't help but think if mom were here she would be partying right there with us and I know she was smiling down on us.

A few of my favorite things-One of my favorite stories is the one I shared at her funeral-she collected baseball cards with me even though she didn't enjoy them just to find a connection with me. That meant so much to me.

When she kicked Dan in the butt when he used his sock to wipe spilled milk on the floor.

When she used to write me letters or call just for the heck of it. I have gone through my missionary years and now cherish her letters so much. They didn't seem like a special thing at the time, but they do now.

Her listening ear.

That she would buy me fish ornaments for the Christmas tree.

Her mashed potatoes.

Still amazing to me in all her pain when she was sick, she never ever complained-unbelievable.

I miss how dad would come home with a new car or purchase without discussing it with mom and mom saying "that's news to me." but never getting mad at dad for it.

Her huge homemade soup pan.

Her Christmas punch.

I miss how much she loved my kids.

There's so much more, but this will have to do for now. I love you mom and am glad you and dad are together even though I hurt sometimes and miss you both. Dave

Melanie-will be posting tonight or tomorrow this is all we had time for right now.


  1. Oh my heck- I LOVE THIS! I was telling Dan as I was reading this and he said, "Dave was the one who told me to wipe the milk up with my sock!" LOL!! Love you guys!
