Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly update (Pumpkins, kyle, bike, etc.)

Week in review:

This past week on Friday we carved pumpkins over at Grandma's house. Kameron would not scoop out the insides. Brianna carved with her own knife for the first time. We did not have normal candles to go in the pumpkins, so we used birhtday candles

A week or so ago Grandpa found Kyle an awesome little Tonka Bike. We took Kyle over to the Church parking lot and he rode it right away, no training wheels! I gave him a little push and he was off, no crashes

Kyle played with his cousin Ethan all day on Thursday a Thomas the train extravaganza.

On Friday, Melanie, Kyle, and Kameron were in a minor fender bender in Shelley, we were thankful everyone was ok-and for once it wasn't Melanie's fault-yeah!!

Melanie and Dave met with some students at BYI to see about expanding business ideas.
Brianna swallowed a tooth, but the tooth fairy still came.
Brianna and Kyle painted a bunch of rocks for their fire pit.

Kyle also helped his dad repair the fence.
Brianna almost roller skated by herself.
Mom got vaccinated for the swine flu-since she is in her third trimester of pregnancy.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Another proud moment

Grandpa gave Brianna a little container that snaps with some jax in it. She asked me to hold it, but I indicated they were her responsibility. Within 10 min she had lost the container and was in tears. "Dad we need to say a prayer to find it" I said a prayer and sure enough she found them shortly and she offered a thank you prayer. It just impressed me so much that she thought about it on her own and she realizes prayer will be an important tool for her now and in the future.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great conference weekend

Conference was great! I particularly enjoyed Elder Bednar and as always President Monson. I liked Elder Bednar because it was just what I needed. I know our scripture reading, Family home evening, and family prayer is not the most meaningful a lot of times, usually because Kameron is trying to climb on someone's head or whatnot. But we are trying to be consistent and that felt good to hear. I was so proud of our kids they sat through 2 sessions of conference and I have to say they did pretty awesome for little kids. Brianna was even asking a lot of questions on the topics, so it really was a joy.