Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Memory Hoard Wednesday Jully 11-19

Another Awesome summer week.

Wednesday- triedd to take Brianna to a make up class for gymnastics, but Laurie and Dennis's neighbor Raini was backing out of her driveway and hit our car. It damaged both doors. Kameron has been hit on that side of the car before. He got out of the car and said mom look what you did to Raini's light. I laughed thinking this is not my fault. We will go to the local junk yard and get some new doors. There insurance is sending a check. Nobody was hurt and I just laughed at Kam's comment.

We went miniature golfing this week. The kids loved it. All of them are independant and love it. It is so cute to watch. Ribgy Lake was also an adventure this week. I love it we went over for an hour or so. Kyle spent a long time building and awesome sand castle with a lake over it. Brianna loved to swim and go over to the slide, she also loves to be dunked. Kameron likes to build swimming pools and dig the dirt. He throws shovel fulls in the air. Naomi likes to sit right on my lap and play. We were all pretty gritty when we got done but we had some fun. On Friday we headed over to Boise. The kids were so good on the ride. I love draminie nobody got car sick. We spent the night at Michelles. On Saturday they went swimming to the hotel pool with Abby and Caleb and on Sunday my nephew Josh had his missionary farwell. Josh had a lot of non-memeber friends there and the stake president spoke also. The spirit was very strong as he shared what made him decided to go on a mission. He talked about Dougs cancer and how doug was in a good place and even with Dougs trial he knew the lord would make everything ok. He talked about seeing Dave after Laurie passed away and that Dave knew that there was a hereafter. Dave had peace in his eyes even with a huge trial. He went on about other things but it was just such a great farewell. The kids loved playing with cousins.

I guess the biggest event for the week was putting our house up for sale. We finally listed it with a realtor so I hope all goes well.

Brianna loved to play her ds, watch my babysitter's a vampire and eat mummy dogs, she did awesome in gymnastics this week, and looked bueatiful in her new gymnastics outsfit..

Kyle loved to play with Devon on the dirt hill with all of his trucks. Kameron follows him everywhere. He also makes sure to take care of his strawberry patch. He is a good helper and friend.

Kameron loves to do homework. I ghenive him a color to practice coloring when I am doing homework with the other kids. He has to make sure every corner of the picture is colored. He also took up cutting with scissors. Loves it.

Naomi is our princess. At Michelles house she refused to sleep. Dave finally ended up sleeping in the car with her. We joked that there was a pea under her mattress. She loves grandma Carlson. When Grandma is around I become the mom that is only good for food. She wants to be with her the whole time and calls her mama. I love the bond those two have.

Kameron also loved the

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great summer!! Love reading about all of your activities! That's a bummer about your van though...can you imagine what Dennis would've said about that?!? ha ha!
