Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week in review Oct 25-31 Halloween Joe's bday, good cancer news etc.

This week we had a great week COTOBER 25- NOVEMBER 1

Kameron got a little tired and fell asleep on the stairs last sunday. Church is during nap time. We also made cookies on Sunday. The boys love to cook with me, we make bread and all sorts of stuff together. The boys are so fun to cook with. They stay right with me and measure. Every time I pull out the Bosch, they are right there. One day Kameron wouldn't sleep, because he heard the Bosch making divinity.

On Monday the 26th

Grandpa and Grandma Brown came over on their way home from mom's cancer check up. We were doing family home evening-Brianna was teaching us about the word of wisdom and gave the lesson all by herself by holding up a picture of food and asking us if it was good or bad for our body.

Grandma Brown told us her doctor said there was no more cancer showing! What a tremendous blessing! Part of my fast today (Dave) was to express my thankfulness for this news. It still hasn't really sunk in, but it is exciting and we hope in continues.

On Tuesday the 27th

Melanie took Kyle and Kameron shopping with her mom, the kids were so good for like 3 or 4 hours of shopping so mom gave Kyle 50 cents to ride the little pony ride at walmart for being so good. However Kyle saw one of those claw machiens that you put your money in and try to use the claw to grab a prize, in this case a bear. Kyle didn't understand that there was only a chance you would get a bear. He thought if you put your money in you would get a bear. He was devasted to see the empty claw and realize that he got nothing. Grandma gave him a Brownie and that seemed to help. That evening we went to Kyle's preschool for a very fun carnival. His teacher has a train set up in her living room upstairs, no wonder Kyle likes her so much.

On Friday the 30th

We went to Grandpa Carlson's birthday party and had a great time. We went to Breakfast @ Perkins, went Trick-or-Treating at Snake River landing, ate dinner (sweet and sour chicken), did practice trick or treating with all the kids, had a glowstick dance party, and opened Grandpa's presents. 67 years old. Kyle was proud to give grandpa the gift he bought him. Shiny Silver Duck Tape.

After that Kyle and Dad I headed to great grandma Brown's house because we were headed to the semi annual tropical fish auction in Salt Lake. We had a great time visiting with great grandma. Kyle saw the picture of her and great grandpa and asked, "Grandma where is Grandpa?" It made me realize he doesn't know great grandpa at all and I need to share some memories with him. We had a great time at the auction as well. Kyle held our bid card up in the air whenever we saw fish we wanted. We came home with ocellatus babies, longfin bolivian rams, agassizzi, azerus. We also picked up some fish at someone's house and Kyle made the casual observation "Your house is messy."

On Saturday October 31,
Melanie, Grandma Brianna, Hailey and Kameron had so much fun. We went to a pumpkin walk. It was so aweome there was a about 35 scenes of pumpkin cartoons. Awesome then we went to Toy'R' us to look at toys. Then to dollar world to get a gift. It was perfect.
Kyle and dad made it back just in time for trick or treating on Saturday. We went with Farrah and Doug in their neighborhood. Kameron loved it he was going as fast as he could the whole way. Kyle was a firefighter that had his hair on fire, he looked cute. Brianna was our very own Hannah Montana, we bought her outfit, because she really wanted it. She did some extra jobs around the house to be able to earn the outfit. She looked awesome. We have the cutest kids in the world.

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