Sunday, September 20, 2009

Browns Life

Well Dave and I decided it was time to start writing a journal. So I will start by telling the ages of our bueatiful children and where we are. Dave is 31, Melanie 29, Brianna 7, Kyle 4, Kameron 1 almost 2, and baby girl in the oven.
Dave is the same great man. Dave has his own law office, he practices bankruptcy, criminal law and family law. It is fun to watch him build a buisness, he has a knack at it. Clients are starting to come back, which does not suprise me. He is such a hard worker and honest with people. Full of intergrity adn so much more. Glad to be his wife.He also is such a great dad and husband. Everynight the kids want to wrestle. On Friday he pulled out the kids mattress's in the living room, so they could have a movie party. This week I especially appreciated his willingness to help serve the kids dinner when and help with them after such a long day at work. We also helped Dennis with his windows on Saturday. Great week
Brianna is such a delightful kid, she is in second grade excelling in reading and very obedient she makes us laugh every day. She is our interior decorater and today she painted her toenails green with orange dots, I suggested white but she said the white would fade out with the green paint. I thought about it and she was right. This week she recieved a sticker on her library card to check out 3 and 4th grade books. She reads to Kyle everynight in bed for a few minutes. She is so patient and kind to all of the kids and such a support for Dave and I.
Kyle had his second week of preschool. He is adjusting but starting to love it. He got to make paperairplanes and thought that was pretty cool. He is also a delightful kid. He is our hugger. He loves to give loves. Mom always uses his help around the house he cleans, cooks brownies and bread and so much more. This week I put up around 30 quarts of Salsa. Kyle played the computer and helped with Kam- Bam. Later he got to play with Ethan while we did Salsa. Those guys are the best of friends. Kyle is very creative in how he plays he loves trains and trucks. he plays with his boats and trailers all the time. He loves balls & hitches on cars and everytime he sees one he points it out. This week he saw a truck with 2 on it. He thought that was cool. He also pulled Kameron around on his bike alot this week. He hooks the wagon to his bike.
Kameron is our little joy. One of Mommy's favorite things to do is to rockabye with her two boys. I get to smell their hair, sing songs and show some of my love to them. Kameron is our dare devil. In fact I took him to a bike saftey class and he was going up and down hills all over. The officer said he is a dare devil. I said yep. Kameron is still trying to get us to nursery. We still have to go because when Kameron gets upset and starts to cry he throws up. Tricky fellar. Dave loves when he puckers up his lips and and blows air out of his nose, that is his pouty face. He is so happy. Dave and I love our family and life very much. Life is good

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